Got a bunch of reviews from readers for the novel "Unrecognised Potential" authored by me. Some good, some bad and a few very bad. Most of them were about the need of the author to improve his vocab and grammar. I agree with most of them with the exception of one from an aspiring Bollywood Director who only seemed to have wanted to hate the work. The reviews, very good they were, I am trying to work on each and every recommendation made. But everyone mentioned about the freshness and uniqueness of the theme which is very welcoming.
Some of the reviews and experiences have greatly delighted me, for the effect the book has created on the reader and from some where deep down in me, I felt proud for creating such a work.
Below is the review from one reader who must have had a great time reading the novel. I felt like posting it just for the reason that I felt as if he could read what was in my mind when I was writing it.